Exhibition I Solo show

Grason Ratowsky

10 July – 22 July 2023
Can Garita, Ibiza, Spain

Photography by Kirill Kirsanov


For the Ibiza chapter of this concept the artist honed a deepened focus on the internal aspect of our personas dissecting the inner dialog within ourselves in an effort to trace the patterned conditional kaleidoscopes of our inner realities.

This new body of work looks introspectively to question our relationship within our own beings.

What is the internal process of deliberation that happens that directs what we expose to the outside world? How do we act differently in a solemn space versus a community space? How much or little of our true, pure selves does anyone get to see and interact with? In the heat of different emotions such as passion, anger or joy does this internal decision making not calculate quick enough to allow our true beings to be exposed?

These works take a look at this immediate and intuitive decision making and realizes these considerations into physical demonstrations of art.

Grason Ratowsky


El Gozo I Exhibition


Miranda Makaroff I Exhibition